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Continuing Education for Social Work

We are proud to offer the best continuing education classes for social workers, both online and at our NYC campus.



Boundary and Dual Relationship Challenges in Social Work: Protecting Clients and Ourselves


Friday, April 12, 2024
10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Eastern Time
Online Zoom Course
(You will need to register to receive login information.)

Registration: 3 CEU Credit Hours

General: Through Apr. 2: $75; Apr. 3 - Apr. 11: $90

Wurzweiler Alumni and Current WSSW Field Instructors: Through Apr. 2: $60; Apr. 3 - Apr 11: $75

All Current Students: $15

“Registration for this event closes on Thursday, April 11, at 5 pm. Eastern Time.”

Social workers frequently encounter complex ethical challenges involving professional-client boundaries and dual relationships. Examples include proper management of confidential information when practitioners live and work in tight knit or rural communities; practitioner self-disclosure; friendships and social contact with current and former clients; favors, gifts, and invitations; and hiring of former clients in behavioral health programs. Most recently, social workers are encountering challenging boundary issues related to digital and online social networking relationships and communications with clients.

Dr. Frederic Reamer, a renowned leader in social work ethics, will present cases and strategies for managing boundary issues and dual relationships. Participants will learn how to identify and respond constructively to complex boundary issues, understand types of dual relationships, protect clients, avoid licensing board complaints, and incorporate practical risk-management strategies.

This program satisfies the New York State licensing requirement for 3 hours Continuing Education for mental health professionals on maintaining appropriate professional boundaries in practice.

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify ethics and risk management issues related to professional boundaries and dual relationships in social work.

  2. Apply relevant ethics standards to manage boundaries and dual relationships.

  3. Use protocols designed to protect clients and help prevent litigation and ethics complaints.




" "Frederic Reamer, PhD has been on the faculty of the School of Social Work, Rhode Island College since 1983.  His teaching and research focus on professional ethics, criminal justice, mental health, health care, and public policy.  Dr. Reamer received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago and has served as a social worker in correctional and mental health settings.  

He chaired the national task force that wrote the Code of Ethics adopted by the National Association of Social Workers and served on the code revision task force.  Dr. Reamer also chaired the national task force sponsored by NASW and other leading social work associations that developed standards governing social workers’ use of technology in professional practice.  

He has lectured widely on social work and professional ethics.  His books include the 2020 Boundary Issues and Dual Relationships in the Human Services.  Dr. Reamer has served as an expert witness in many court and licensing board cases throughout the U.S.  In 2016, Dr. Reamer was named a Social Work Pioneer by NASW for his “commitment and dedication to the social work profession.”


Rabbis, chaplains, and social workers are often called on to provide spiritual care near life’s end. Whether in response to serious illness, advanced cognitive or physical decline in old age, or unexpected, tragic violence, health care professionals and clergy need to respond compassionately and effectively with families facing spiritual, emotional, and existential crises. Clips from Wurzweiler School of Social Work’s “Spirituality Near the End of Life” Conference in July 2019 include leading clergy, chaplains, and social workers offering their knowledge, skills, and wisdom to assist professionals seeking to better integrate spiritual care into their professional and community work.

Episode 1

Episode 2

Why Wurzweiler for Continuing Ed?

Our top-ranked Wurzweiler School of Social Work based in Manhattan — the heart of New York City — is currently offering continuing education opportunities that will appeal to professional social workers in diverse fields of practice. You can go anywhere, but why not try one, two, or three of our programs available to you at convenient times and locations? We know you will gain knowledge while satisfying your CE requirements. The name Wurzweiler is synonymous with Excellence. We look forward to seeing you here.

Accredited CE Credits

Wurzweiler is an approved provider of Continuing Education credits for licensed social workers by New York State. 

Upcoming CE Events:

  • May 10, 2024: Gary Stein, JD, MSW; Cathy Berkman, PhD; Noelle Marie Javier, MD; and Kimberly Acquaviva, PhD, "Experiences of Seriously Ill LGBTQ+ Patients and Partners with their Healthcare Providers"

  • June 21, 2024: Practice with Impaired Professionals, Frederic Reamer, PhD, and TBA 

  • July 19, 2024: Use of Creative and Performing Arts as Therapies: Staff from Hip Hop Therapy and Express2Speak

Contact Information:


Upcoming Events & Contact Information

Upcoming CE Events:

  • May 10, 2024: Gary Stein, JD, MSW; Cathy Berkman, PhD; Noelle Marie Javier, MD; and Kimberly Acquaviva, PhD, "Experiences of Seriously Ill LGBTQ+ Patients and Partners with their Healthcare Providers"

  • June 21, 2024: Practice with Impaired Professionals, Frederic Reamer, PhD, and TBA 

  • July 19, 2024: Use of Creative and Performing Arts as Therapies: Staff from Hip Hop Therapy and Express2Speak

Contact Information:


As per New York State Continuing Education Guidelines, attendees must log into the program on time and attend the ENTIRE workshop to receive their Continuing Education Contact Hours.  Any attendees who arrive late or leave early to a workshop WILL NOT receive their certificate, and are also not eligible for a refund in any way.  Please plan accordingly.

Please allow up to 30 calendar days after the workshop date to receive your certificate.

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